Neocaridina "Green Jade extreme"
Neocaridina "Green Jade extreme"
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Bloody Mary orange eyes " Red Demon" are completely red colored. The orange eyes form a great contrast to the red body. This is our original strain in high-grade quality , which we have been using since crossing the Bloody Mary about 2 years ago and which we are carefully selecting now. The name Red Demon is based on the similarity to the Caridina Red Devil .
How stable is this line? The Bloody Mary OE “Red Demon” is our most stable Neocaridina line with orange eyes to date. If the animals are mated with each other, 100% of the offspring have the orange eyes, about 80% of the animals are colored red. Of course it makes sense to continue to select this line for the dark red body color in order to increase the contrast to the eyes.
Neocaridina with orange eyes? For about 2 years we have been offering offspring of our Neocaridina breeding lines with orange eyes (OE). The inheritance of the orange eyes is stable. From the outside, the orange eyes of the Neocaridina can be distinguished from the orange eyes of the tiger shrimp, as they have a dark spot in the middle, which may indicate residual pigment. We published a detailed report on these animals in the Caridina magazine (issue 2/2022). You can find more about this topic here .
Release size: Sold animals have a minimum size of 0.8 cm, i.e. shortly before sexual maturity. If sexually mature animals are handed over, attention is paid to an even sex distribution.
General information on keeping and breeding: Like all dwarf shrimp of the Neocaridina genus, these animals are very adaptable and can usually be kept in tap water (18 - 26 °C) without any problems. In our facility, the tap water has the values: pH 7.6, gH 10; kH 9, conductivity 600uS, 22 °C. The animals feed on conventional fish food, algae growth, dead animals and plant material. Therefore, they are the best leftover-cleaners and contribute to the biological balance in the aquarium. The socialization with small and medium-sized aquarium fish can work, but it is advisable to offer sufficient hiding places such as moss and roots. Under optimal conditions, animals quickly grow into lively colonies.

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